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Bi-Weekly Dinner & Movie (Edmonton)

Bi-Weekly Dinner & Movie (Edmonton)
Start Date: Aug 30, 2016 07:00 PM
End Date: Aug 30, 2016 11:00 PM
Time Zone: America/Denver -06:00 MDT

14231 - 137 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB

Posted By: Hobo Takoda

Confirmed Attendees: 0
You can not RSVP for this event...

This event has already begun, or has already passed; RSVP has been since closed.
Come out and enjoy a casual dinner and/or movie with fellow fur-balls.

This posting is strictly a placeholder to get this into the official AF calendar (so it is easy for everyone to find).

For details on location for the current week - please refer to the following thread: Dinner & Movie (Edmonton)

Generally things go as follows:
6pm: Eats at a restaurant/fast food near the cinema
(eg: Mucho Burrito, Beijing House, Famoso, Moxies, ...)
7pm onward: Head off to a movie of the group's choice.
(traditionally this is North Edm Cineplex: 14231 - 137 Avenue)

Sometimes with larger groups we'll split off into a couple different movies if two groups of people want to see different movies.
If you are interested, please respond in the above mentioned thread, so that Alexi can make reservations for the correct number of people.